Saturday, June 09, 2012

Darth Vader vs Darth Maul: Who Wins In A Fight?

Fanboys of the Star Wars have long debated the question, who would win in a head to head fight between Darth Vader and his predecessor Darth Maul?  

What is surprising to me is that most homers don't realize this has already happened.  For those who don't know, the Star Wars universe goes far into the past before the six movies and far into the future past them.  Keeping what is considered true and fiction in this universe is referred to as "canon," or what George Lucas allows into his created worlds.

The Star Wars Canon consists of the six Star Wars feature films, along with all officially licensed, non-contradicting spin-off works to the six films. As defined by Lucas Licensing:
We have what we call Canon, which is the screenplays, novelizations, and other works that are directly tied into continuity, and then there are a lot of marginal things, like the old Marvel Comics series, that we don't really try to work into the continuity when we're planning new projects. Even the LucasArts interactive games have a premise, a backstory with player characters that we're trying to tie into the overall continuity. It is sort of a godlike undertaking. We are creating this universe as we go along, but somebody has to keep his finger on everything that came before.
-Lucasfilm's then-continuity editor Allan Kausch

Well, back in Star War's Galaxy #17, shortly before the Battle of Yavin, a dark side splinter group called the Prophets of the Dark Side managed to create a doppelgänger of Darth Maul whose first target was none other than his replacement, Darth Vader. These dark side worshipers believed Vader to be too much of a Jedi and therefore not a true Sith Lord. With their control of the new Maul, they implemented a plan to kill Vader re-establishing their true Sith Lord as the right hand to the Emperor.  Though Maul they would help Darth Sidious  reshape the Star Wars universe as they saw fit ruling for all time. So we have the set up.  Now to the fight.

On the shadowy volcanic moon Kalakar Six, Vader came grill to grill with Darth Maul while the dark acolytes observed. Maul destroyed Vader's Stormtrooper guards and the fight of the fanboys dreams was on!  The Sith Lords found themselves in a stalemate until Vader was able to render Maul's lightsaber in twain though the weapon still functioned.  Using what were now his two lightsabers, Maul began to take advantage in the fight driving Vader back seemingly to his death.  And yet, in the final moments of the battle with Maul closing in for the kill, Vader made a shocking desperate move stabbing his lightsaber through his own body and into Maul's.  Vader's  life-support circuits were badly damaged though he survived and Darth Maul perished.  With Maul defeated, the observing acolytes were executed by the Darth Sidious who arrived to punish their "treacherous" act towards his rule.

And there you have it.  Darth Vader defeats and kills Darth Maul answering the question of who would win in the ultimate Sith Lord battle to the death!  God I'm a nerd and I love it! -ImpOp

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