Thursday, January 12, 2017

What Happened To KiD CuDi's Music?

What in the hell has happened to KiD CuDi and his music? Scott Mescudi used to be so inventive and his 1st two albums were so good, but now he has regressed to total garbage. 

All of his songs are so experimental that they are unlistenable. "Mumble, mumble, ugh, ugh," then cue trippy cosmic sounds, verse, and repeat. It seems as though Mr. Rager no longer has anything to say and is just rambling on a space riff he started in 2009. It has no flow anymore and comes across flat without the originality he once possessed. 

It's not that there are no bright spots on the album. 

"Frequency" and "By Design" with Andre Benjamin (Mr. 3000 of Outkast), are solid and "Surfin'" harkens back to the fun Mescudi had on his first effort. 

And yet, 3 good tracks out of 19 total isn't a great percentage.

ImpOp gives KiD CuDi's Passion, Pain, & Demon Slayin' but a single *. Not so good but we'll stand by Scott because of the love we have for Man on the Moon, Man on the Moon II, and Indicud

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