Thursday, June 29, 2017

Dan Auerbach Waiting On A Song: ImpOp Album Review

Dan Auerbach Waiting on a Song, is the 2nd solo studio album from the Black Keys frontman. Eight years ago, Dan released his initial solo album, Keep It Hid, which felt and sounded like it should have just been another Black Keys album, but his newest effort is more diverse and sounds more like Auerbach is channeling his inner Beck, with happier music. 

ImpOp’s 3 Favorite Tracks:

“Waiting on a Song” The title track is a beautiful haunt into how the songs are inspired.

“Show Me” A light chantey about wanting that special lady to prove her love.

“Shine on Me” This is a fun one that sounds like classic Traveling Wilbury’s which we appreciate greatly.

Dan Auerbach Life Is Good B-
Total Tracks 10
Tracks Saved 7
Time 32:38 minutes

This album would be rated higher but its so damn short and there were a couple of tracks that were just eh, and chucked in the trash. A good album overall and Dan is still showing growth and trying new things. This time he even did it with, dare we say it, joy.

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