Thursday, August 03, 2017

Aquaman Reigns With New Creative Team

Aquaman has long been one of ImpOp's favorite comic book character but there has been a lull in the book's recent run (no offense to writer Dan Abnett and artist Scot Eaton). The art has been decent but not up to the standards that should be attributed to a character the level of Aquaman. If the king of the seven seas is on par with the likes of his fellow Justice League members, he should be treated as such. Now, artist Stjepan Sejic has stepped in at issue #25, and his gorgeous pencils have made the Aquaman book elite once again hearkening back to the days when Ivan Reis when teamed with stellar writer Geoff Johns

Arthur Curry has been betrayed by his people of Atlantis and is presumed dead (killed by his own guardsman Murk). His longtime love Mera is waging her own war on the underseas world in defense of her man, while throne usurper King Corum Rath builds his new kingdom. Aquaman is hiding out in the slums of the Drift and has encountered a new ally in the silent Dolphin (in her 1st appearance since DC's Rebirth).

Aquaman is also slowly changing his look from the traditional to a style more akin to the upcoming version in the Justice League movie played by Jason Mamoa. Things are looking up for Aquaman even when he is down. Aquaman issue #25 is the perfect jumping on point as the character is building up to a long rumored big crossover story, "Rise of the Seven Seas," by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis. 

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