Friday, January 19, 2018

Sleepless (2017) Is Uninspired Cop Garbage


Jaime Foxx plays undercover police officer Vincent Downs, a no nonsense cop who has to save his son from drug dealers because he is an absolute moron who puts his son in harms way.

Michelle Monaghan, who ImpOp normally finds to be a good actor, is unconvincing as Jennifer Bryant, Internal Affairs agent. She's the tough female cop who wants the same respect that the men get even though she continues to make poor choices and get her ass kicked by men. 

Scoot McNairy (Scoot, really bud?), who is the only one doing a decent acting job, plays drug dealer Novak. He's a mean guy who will stop at nothing to get his drugs as you'd expect with every poorly written cop movie.

Lame Plot:

Downs is undercover and he son is kidnapped to force him to give back drugs to a baddie. Cue cliche action film stupidity after cliche action film stupidity. At one point, Downs' son "T," escapes and calls his father, who instead of telling him to run to the front door of the casino or an emergency exit, tells him to stay put allowing him to get in even more trouble. Spoiler Alert, Bryant's partner is a dirty cop which is obvious from the jump though it is supposed to be a surprise. Shocking. Downs again puts his son in harm's way, forcing him to drive a car in a chase, basically as bait, allowing the bad guys to force him to crash. Momma bear Gabrielle Union also joins the fracas, because you know, action movie bullshit, and now the entire family is facing death. Dad kills the bad guy but he gets shot (again) though luckily Mom who showed up is a nurse. Bryant gets his corrupt partner, and happy ending with Downs though things are cued up for a sequel that will never happen since this movie was so terrible! How did this trash even get made once?

ImpOp graciously gives this movie a D+

Don't waste your time, instead go watch great cop movies like Training Day,  The DepartedHeat, or Reservoir Dogs.

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