Wednesday, January 09, 2019

ImpOp Investigation: The Death of Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe met and had a short affair with John F. Kennedy in 1962 (not 1957 as many say). Monroe was infatuated with John and was given the name “Ms. Green” to use when she called the White House. Shortly, Kennedy was told by J. Edgar Hoover that this dangerous affair had to end because she was accidentally revealing classified information. She didn’t realize she was doing so but it was still a breach. Also, Monroe had just divorced Arthur Miller who had legitimate connections to the Communist party. Hoover used this to make JFK paranoid though Marilyn never did anything with the group. JFK ended their relationship without a reason and refused to take her calls or acknowledge her in any way after. This drove Monroe crazy and she threatened to reveal secrets.

Bobby Kennedy was then employed to convince her to be silent. Though there are reports she had an affair with Bobby, in fact she loathed him and said so to multiple friends though she remained infatuated with JFK. 

At this point, she was left alone until her behavior became more erratic. Her psychiatrist Ralph Greenson stated she was a full blown addict and was demonstrating paranoid schizophrenia tendencies which had affected her birth mother as well. 

Monroe hired Bernard Spindel to put a recorder on her phone “for her protection.” He did but coincidentally, Spindel had already been hired to bug her entire house on the orders of Hoover. Bernard would later claim he had audio of Monroe having sex and being abused (which had been happened with multiple partners).

The weekend before she died, Monroe was invited to Frank Sinatra’s Cal-Neva estate. Upon arriving, mobster and Kennedy associate Sam Giancana met with her. Then Sinatra and Giacana told her to stop talking and threatening to reveal secrets. Later, Sinatra told his photographer (Terry O’Neill or Chuck Scardina) pictures were taken of a drugged Monroe being raped by multiple parties, and had been taken with his camera, though without his knowledge. Giacana was planning to blackmail her into silence. Sinatra’s photographer told him to destroy the camera which he did. Marilyn returned from the weekend telling her housekeeper Eunice Murray, “it was a nightmare” and though rattled, she would not be silenced.

It has been reported that Monroe was depressed at this time, but she had just resigned to 20th Century Fox for more money and had told multiple friends she was about to remarry Joe DiMaggio

The night Marilyn died, Bobby Kennedy and two men were seen the night of Monroe’s death by multiple witnesses (maid, handyman, son-in-law, neighbors, etc.). Bobby denied being there that night but helicopter records showed him being in the area as well as a Police affidavit released in 1980 where Kennedy admitted he was there the night in question. The group were there around 10:30 pm (which the autopsy would say she likely died) and told the housekeeper to leave as they led her to the guest house. 

The guest house is important because there in a locked filing cabinet, was the red diary. Monroe kept a red diary from the time when she began in the movies, and was seen writing in it on many occasions. She even stated she would write down topics JFK discussed so she could educate herself for future meetings. This, was troubling to the Kennedys (there is debate as to whether she knew secrets or just was going to reveal the affair). The three men left and it wasn’t until housekeeper Eunice Murray went to check on Marilyn at 3:00 am, that she became concerned upon getting no response. 

Eunice called Monroe’s psychiatrist Ralph Greenson who arrived shortly, breaking a window into the guest house and finding an unresponsive Marilyn, clutching her phone and laying face down. Her physician Hyman Engelberg arrived at 3:50 am and pronounced her dead. Police were not called until 4:25 am. Around 5:00 am when Police arrived, the maid was washing the sheets from the guest house (to remove any evidence of the enema) according to Police Officer Jack Clemmons who was the first responder. 

Police claim they found empty Nembutal bottles near her bed. However, when people overdose on these types of drugs, they convulse, vomit, and are found contorted in rigormortis. Monroe was laying completely straight on the bed, with no residue on her lips, and there was no trace of the pills in her stomach. There was also no cup of fluid in the room yet she was able to swallow two bottles of pills. 

Marilyn’s blood contained the lethal amount of Nembutal and Chloral Hydrate because she was administered the drug via enema (which was popular at the time) and the autopsy showed “purple inflammation" on her colon. There were also lividity (which occurs after death) marks on the front and back of her body which proved her corpse was moved post death. Originally, it was reported that there were no needle marks though the drug addict was known to inject herself as did her doctor. Later (1982) it was discovered she had needle marks in her armpit. 

Now, the facts are these. Monroe died of an overdose from an enema, which was purposely covered up, and the room was made to look like she committed suicide via pills. Why? It was not as nefarious as many believe. Bobby was there to convince her to be quiet and give over the diary, but one of the other men had a doctor’s bag and administered the enema to calm Marilyn and make her more amenable to their desires. Unfortunately, they would have no way of knowing she had already been given Chloral Hydrate from Murray as she had been dismissed. The combination killed her and the cover-up was orchestrated. 

In closing, her death was an accident brought on by paranoia that she would reveal the affair, and not murder to cover up government secrets. A true shame as she was abused and mistreated her entire life. Hopefully, Norma Jean found some peace in death. - ImpOp

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